Our last chase day brought us to north central Texas. We targeted just northeast of Dallas and storms fired shortly after we arrived. We waited for a storm to become dominate and we showed up next to it right when it began to rotate. We were very close to the initial rotation, so we decided to move back a bit. We readjusted to the perfect spot right in front of the rotation. Unfortunately, a tornado didn't drop down when the rotating wallcloud was right in front of us. Instead, the RFD began to accelerate and the storm began diving to the southeast. We tried to get through Greensville, TX to get a view back on the storm, but traffic slowed us down and we got trapped in some RFD. It was a very intense time because a tornado could have developed behind us at anytime. Both Alex and I saw developing funnels, but fortunately it wasn't until after we made it through Greensville that we looked back and saw a tornado in the rain curtains. This day was by far our most stressful day because we were almost trapped in the hook in heavy traffic. NOT GOOD! In the end, it all worked out well, and it was a very memorable chase day.